Home Fix (Kantan) Privacy Policy

We take the protection of your personal data seriously. Please read this policy to find out more about how we look after any personal data that you share with us on the Customer or Kantan app.

1. Who we are, how you can contact us, and our role in relation to your data

The Home Fix Services are provided to you by Kantan Limited (an OVO group company) via its network of carefully selected local partners in your area. The company registration number is 11681210, and the registered address is 9 Pembridge Road, London, England, W11 3JY

By "Kantan" / "we" / "us" / "our" we mean Kantan Ltd.

By “Kantan app” we mean the app used by trades professionals to carry out work on

By “Customer app” we mean the app used by customers to book Kantan services. 

If you are a customer, contact us at homefix@ovo.com if you have any questions in relation to this privacy policy.

If you are a trade professional, contact us at support@kantan.tech if you have any questions in relation to this privacy policy.

If you are a trade professional

We are the controller of your personal data (i.e. data relating to you) that you submit to us through the Kantan app. This means that we are responsible for determining why your personal data is collected on the Kantan app, and how it is processed. When you are using the Kantan app as part of a services agreement that you have with a company that has contracted you for services, that company may be acting as a separate controller in respect of your data.

If you are a customer that a trade professional is doing work for

We are a controller of personal data relating to you that is submitted through the Kantan app and Customer app:

  • By a company that is responsible for sourcing a trade professional to complete a job for you, or

  • By a trade professional directly

This means that we are responsible for determining why your personal data is collected on the Kantan app and Customer app, and how it is processed. The company or trade professional may be acting as a separate controller to us in respect of your data as well.

If you are a representative of a company seeking to use the services of a trade professional (a "Partner")

We are the controller of your personal data (i.e. data relating to you) that you submit to us through the Kantan app. This means that we are responsible for determining why your personal data is collected on the app, and how it is processed.

2. Your responsibilities in relation to personal data submitted through the Kantan app and Beyond app

To help us comply with our data protection obligations, please only submit accurate and relevant information through the free text fields on the app.

Please let us know if any information that you submit becomes out of date by updating your profile on the Kantan app or by contacting us.

If you are a trade professional using the Kantan app to manage private jobs, or a Partner, you should make your customer aware that you are using Kantan, and refer them to this privacy policy.

3. The data categories that we collect, and their source

The types of personal data that we collect and the sources of that data are shown below.

Data that we collect relating to you

If you are a trade professional

Identity (Name, email address, home address, phone number, company name, address and registration number)

Technical (Type of device used to access app, operating system and version, browser type, IP address)

Job (your job history and data relating to jobs that you have undertaken, such as age, type and nature of equipment, repair requirements, repair history, equipment registration details such as Gas Safety Register numbers)

Diary (your ongoing jobs, job types, availability)

Analytical (content you view on the app, features accessed on app, web pages and search terms, how long you spend on the app)

Geographical (your location information)

Support (your requests for support with use of the app, responses provided to you)

Financial (bank account and payment card details, details about payments from you and your payment history)

If you are a representative of a Partner

Identity (Name, email address, home/business address, name and type of company you represent, company address and registration number, phone number)

Technical (Type of device used to access app, operating system and version, browser type, IP address)

Job (jobs that you wish to share on the app and data relating to jobs that you share, name and location of customer, age, type and nature of equipment, repair requirements, repair history)

Diary (availability and other details relating to trade professionals with whom your company has a relationship)

Analytical (content you view on the app, features accessed on app, web pages and search terms, how long you spend on the app)

Geographical (your location information and location of jobs shared)

Support (your requests for support with use of the app, responses provided to you)

If you are a customer

Identity (Name, email address, home/business address, phone number, name and type of company arranging the fulfilment of jobs on your behalf)

Job (jobs that you need assistance with, age, type and nature of equipment, repair requirements, repair history, your concerns and requests in relation to jobs)

Geographical (your location information)

Technical (Type of device used to access app, operating system and version, browser type, IP address)

Financial (payment card details, details about payments from you and your payment history)


You, through your use of the Kantan app, and via third party platforms that interact with Kantan app; for example Segment and Intercom

Partner, inputting information relating to you into Kantan app (where you have a relationship with Partner)

Cookies used by Kantan

You, through your use of the app, and via third party platforms that interact with Kantan app; for example Segment and Intercom Cookies used by Kantan

You, through your use of any interface that interacts with the Customer app

Partner, inputting information relating to you into Kantan app (where you have a relationship with Partner)

Trade professional, inputting information relating to you into Kantan app (where you have a relationship with trade professional)

4. How we use your data

The table below shows how we will process your personal data, and the legal basis upon which we rely to process your personal data.

We may process your personal data under more than one lawful ground, depending on the specific purposes for which we are using your data.

If you are a trade professional


To register you on the Kantan app

Type of data


Lawful basis for processing

Our legitimate interests and the legitimate interests of Partners (where applicable) - ensuring that you and Partners can use the app

To match you with jobs on the Kantan app





Our legitimate interests and the legitimate interests of Partners (where applicable) - ensuring that you and Partners can use the app

To help you use the Kantan app


Our legitimate interests in ensuring that we provide you with support where necessary in order for you to have the best experience of using the app

To help you manage jobs on the Kantan app





Our legitimate interests and the legitimate interests of Partners (where applicable) - ensuring that the app functionality enables you to continuously manage your jobs

Commercial analysis


We may process aggregated data (meaning statistical data about several individuals that has been combined to show general trends or values without identifying individuals within the data) for any purpose. We will ensure that this data does not relate to you as an individual, so will not be considered personal data under law.

For instance we may use aggregated data to inform commercial strategy, both for Kantan and the OVO group of companies, and for this we will share aggregated data with other group companies.

We may also offer aggregated data analysis (such as analysis of trends) to a trade professional which may be helpful to them in selling/marketing their services to customers generally.

Our legal basis for aggregating data for commercial analysis purposes will be our legitimate interests in improving our service, and informing our sales and marketing strategies (and those of our group companies)

To process payments you make through the Kantan app


Our legitimate interests in ensuring any payment for our service can be taken efficiently from you through the Kantan app.

To understand how the Kantan app is used


Our legitimate interests in enabling the core functionality of our app, and to help us improve our app.

To take part in legal or regulatory proceedings, or complying with law enforcement, regulatory, or other authorities


Our legitimate interests in representing ourselves in legal or regulatory proceedings, taking steps to protect our business and your interests (where necessary), and complying with requests from regulators and other authorities

Compliance with a legal obligation that we have

To administer and protect the Kantan app (including troubleshooting, testing, system maintenance, support, reporting and hosting of data)


Our legitimate interests in ensuring that our app functions properly and consistently and meets your expectations

If you are a representative of a Partner


To enable Partners to find trade professionals to do work for you

To enable you to directly book time in trade professionals' diaries

Type of data







Lawful basis for processing

Our legitimate interests and the legitimate interests of trade professionals and Partners - ensuring that trade professionals can be matched to jobs for you, and that our service enables them to manage jobs to completion

Our legitimate interests and the legitimate interests of trade professionals - ensuring that trade professionals can be matched to jobs for you, and that you can save time and effort communicating with trade professionals around availability

To take part in legal or regulatory proceedings, or complying with law enforcement, regulatory, or other authorities


Our legitimate interests in representing ourselves in legal or regulatory proceedings, taking steps to protect our business and your interests (where necessary), and complying with requests from regulators and other authorities

Compliance with a legal obligation that we have

Commercial analysis


We may process aggregated data (meaning statistical data about several individuals that has been combined to show general trends or values without identifying individuals within the data) for any purpose. We will ensure that this data does not relate to you as an individual, so will not be considered personal data under law.

For instance we may use aggregated data to inform commercial strategy, both for Kantan and the Ovo group of companies, and for this we will share aggregated data with other group companies.

We may also offer aggregated data analysis (such as analysis of trends) to a trade professional which may be helpful to them in selling/marketing their services to customers generally.

Our legal basis for aggregating data for commercial analysis purposes will be our legitimate interests in improving our service, and informing our sales and marketing strategies (and those of our group companies).

If you are a customer


To enable you to find trade professionals to do work for you

Type of data




Lawful basis for processing

Our legitimate interests and the legitimate interests of trade professionals and Partners - ensuring that trade professionals can be matched to jobs for you, and that our service enables them to manage jobs to completion

To enable you to directly book time in trade professionals' diaries




Our legitimate interests and the legitimate interests of trade professionals - ensuring that trade professionals can be matched to jobs for you, and that you can save time and effort communicating with trade professionals around availability

To take part in legal or regulatory proceedings, or complying with law enforcement, regulatory, or other authorities


Our legitimate interests in representing ourselves in legal or regulatory proceedings, taking steps to protect our business and your interests (where necessary), and complying with requests from regulators and other authorities

Compliance with a legal obligation that we have

Commercial analysis

All, aggregated only

We may process aggregated data (meaning statistical data about several individuals that has been combined to show general trends or values without identifying individuals within the data) for any purpose. We will ensure that this data does not relate to you as an individual, so will not be considered personal data under law.

For instance we may use aggregated data to inform commercial strategy, both for Kantan and the OVO Group of companies, and for this we will share aggregated data with other group companies.

We may also offer aggregated data analysis (such as analysis of trends) to a trade professional which may be helpful to them in selling/marketing their services to customers generally.

Our legal basis for aggregating data for commercial analysis purposes will be our legitimate interests in improving our service, and informing our sales and marketing strategies (and those of our group companies).

5. Marketing

If you are a trade professional or representative of a Partner, we may send you marketing messages, provided that you have opted in to receiving these. You can ask us to stop sending you marketing messages at any time by adjusting your marketing options, which we will notify you off, or by contacting us at any time.

We will not at any time market to customers.

As mentioned in other sections of this policy, we use cookies on the Kantan app, which you can disable (though note that disabling some cookies will affect the app functionality). For more information about the cookies we use, please see our cookie policy

6. How we may share your data

We will share your personal data with the parties set out below for the purposes set out in the table in section 4 above:

Internal third parties: — Our group companies, such as OVO Energy Limited and Kaluza

External third parties: — The following service providers based in the US for the reasons set out in the table below

Third party


Server location


Reason(s) for sharing data

Analytics - web and app events

Operations - communications with trade professionals and end customers



Operations - communications with trade professionals and customers



Sending emails to end customers on behalf of Partners and trade professionals, or trade professionals on behalf of end customers or Partners



Sending text messages to end customers on behalf of Partners and trade professionals, or trade professionals on behalf of end customers or Partners

Amazon Web Services


Data storage



Financial - to process payments



Analytics - web and app events




Professional advisers acting as processors or joint controllers including lawyers, consultants, auditors and insurers who provide legal, consultancy, accounting or auditing services.

HM Revenue & Customs, regulators and other authorities acting as processors or joint controllers based in the United Kingdom who require reporting of processing activities in certain circumstances.

Third parties to whom we may choose to sell, transfer or merge parts of our business or our assets. Alternatively, we may seek to acquire other businesses or merge with them. If a change happens to our business, then the new owners may use your personal data in the same way as set out in this privacy policy.

We require all third parties to respect the security of your personal data and to treat it in accordance with the law, and we enter into appropriate contracts with third parties with whom we share your personal data. We do not allow our third-party service providers to use your personal data for their own purposes and only permit them to process your personal data for specified purposes and in accordance with our instructions.

Whenever we transfer your personal data out of the UK, we ensure a similar degree of protection is afforded to it by ensuring that specific contracts approved for such transfers and other measures are in place to give your personal data the same protection it has in the UK. To find out more about the specific contracts and measures that we have implemented, please contact us.

7. How we secure your data

We have put in place appropriate security measures to prevent your personal data from being accidentally lost, used or accessed in an unauthorised way, altered or disclosed. In addition, we limit access to your personal data to those employees, agents, contractors and other third parties who have a business need to know. They will only process your personal data on our instructions and they are subject to a duty of confidentiality.

We have put in place procedures to deal with any suspected personal data breach and will notify you and any applicable regulator of a breach where we are legally required to do so.

8. Keeping your personal data

We will only retain your personal data for as long as reasonably necessary to fulfil the purposes we collected it for, including for the purposes of satisfying any legal, regulatory, tax, accounting or reporting requirements. We may retain your personal data for a longer period in the event of a complaint or if we reasonably believe there is a prospect of litigation in respect to our relationship with you.

To determine the appropriate retention period for personal data, we consider the amount, nature and sensitivity of the personal data, the potential risk of harm from unauthorised use or disclosure of your personal data, the purposes for which we process your personal data and whether we can achieve those purposes through other means, and the applicable legal, regulatory, tax, accounting or other requirements.

9. The rights that you have

Under certain circumstances, you have the following rights under data protection law in relation to your personal data: rights to request access to, correction of, erasure of, or restriction of processing of, your personal data, right to object to the processing of your personal data, right to withdraw consent to the processing of your personal data, or right to transfer your personal data. Please contact us at the address below if you would like to exercise any of these rights.

Kantan Ltd
9 Pembridge Road
W11 3JY

Note that there are circumstances where we are legally entitled to refuse to comply with a request that you may have.

You have the right to make a complaint at any time to the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO), the UK regulator for data protection issues (www.ico.org.uk). We would, however, appreciate the chance to deal with your concerns before you approach the ICO so please contact us in the first instance.